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LOT 13 Neolithic Period, Longshan Culture A rare black pottery stemcup

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The Ollivier Collection of Early Chinese Art





Translation provided by Youdao



A rare black pottery stemcup

Neolithic Period, Longshan Culture The thinly potted vessel with an angular bell-shaped cup ending in a trumpet mouth and raised on a hollow tear-drop-shaped stem pierced with vertical rows of small holes rising from a pedestal foot defined by slightly spreading upright sides. 20cm (8in) high.
|The Property of a Gentleman 士紳藏品新石器時代 龍山文化 黑陶高足杯Provenance: Gisele Croes Arts D'Extreme Orient, Brussels, 1995Jean-Yves Ollivier CollectionPublished and Illustrated: G.Croës, XVII Biennale des Antiquaires, Paris, 10-24 November 1994, pp.16-17來源:布魯塞爾古董商吉賽爾藝廊,1995年歐洲私人收藏展覽及出版:吉賽爾著,《XVII Biennale des Antiquaires(第十七屆古董雙年展)》,巴黎,1994年11月10-24日The present lot is a rare example of a wheel-made pottery vessel of the Longshan culture, also sometimes known as the Black Pottery Culture. Spread across today's Shandong Province from about 3000 to 1900 BC, the Longshan culture was noted for its highly polished 'egg-shell' black pottery. The present stemcup is notable for its even potting, paper-thin walls and glossy black sheen. Examples of related black 'eggshell' pottery stemcups are illustrated by R.Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol.3 (I), London, 2006, pls.1058-1063. Krahl noted that the use of the potter's wheel was a technological innovation of the period and enabled more sophisticated forming than the coil-built method traditionally used. With the new technology of the potter's wheel, eggshell-thin vessels could be made by shaving the walls to minimal thickness. In addition to this, the appearance of weightlessness was created by the addition of pierced openwork. Compare with two related examples in the same style with different lower bodies, which were sold at Christie's New York, 2 June 1994, lot 228 and 21 September 1995, lot 580.盃侈口,盃身底部收於短細頸,足身方肩下收,鏤空,足底直壁,薄身黑體,打磨光潔。此件拍品為龍山文化輪製黑陶器的傑作。龍山文化濫觴於山東半島,大致活躍於公元前3000年至1900年間,以「蛋殼」黑陶聞名。玫茵堂舊藏數件薄壁黑陶高腳杯可資參考,見Regina Krahl康蕊君著,《Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection(玫茵堂中國陶瓷)》,卷三(一),倫敦,2006年,圖版1058-1063。另可參見佳士得紐約售出兩件黑陶高腳杯,身略短,1994年6月2日,拍品228號及1995年9月21日,拍品580號。




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