LOT 3047 Chen Hengke (1876-1923), Yao Hua (1876-1930)
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Formerly From an European Private Collection (LOTS 3046-3048)Chen Hengke, Yao Hua1876-1923, 1876-1930Plum Blossom with Pottery Vessel Rubbingink and colour on paper, hanging scrollsigned, dated 1919, with 3 seals of the artist137 x 67.6 cm 53⅞ x 26⅝ in.----------------------------------------------歐洲重要私人舊藏(編號 3046-3048 )陳衡恪、姚華 一腔心事託梅花設色紙本 立軸 一九一九年作羅復堪題識姚鋆署簽簽書:朽道人陶量補梅軸子。甲子三月,姚鋆題簽 款識:〈陳〉渺無年代刻高君,古器摩挲襲古芬。佳節尚能文字飲,何須燒燭醉紅裙。茫父屬補梅花並題小詩博粲,己未端午,槐堂朽道人衡恪。題識:〈羅〉高君陶量。此王文愍公故物,今歸茫父道長,拓本屬題。惇㬊。鈐印:〈陳〉「陳朽」、「槐堂朽者」、「一腔心事託梅花」。〈楊〉「楊潛盦觀」。註:據羅復堪題識,本幅所拓陶量原器,具「高君」銘文,屬王懿榮故物。王氏於庚子事變殉難,諡「文敏」。身後家藏散出,此器為姚華所得。穎拓乃姚華平生絕學,獨步近世。此陶量即以穎拓法出,見墨綫勾勒輪廓痕跡,立體逼真,因更偏重「畫」,而非「拓」,尤傳古物之生動神采。器物窄口,鼓腹,適作花插,拓成,遂倩陳師曾寫梅。陶器古樸沉厚,配搭鐵筆紅梅,逸趣橫生。題簽者姚鋆,姚華次子,畢業於北京大學哲學系。右下角鈐「楊潛盦觀」,屬楊昭儁印。楊氏(1881- 1951後),號潛庵,湖南湘潭人。早年曾謀事於滬上,後定居北京,供職政府。生平嗜金石藝事,與陳師曾、姚華尤其友善,時有雅聚、合寫。文物商店舊藏,畫背具該店標簽,標明貨號「8694」、年代「60」、名稱「陳師曾補陶量紅梅」、定價「100」。137 x 67.6 cm 53⅞ x 26⅝ in.Formerly From an European Private Collection (LOTS 3046-3048)歐洲重要私人舊藏(編號 3046-3048 )本輯原藏者乃法國資深外交官,在六十年代至七十年代期間,歷任駐華大使館二等祕書、駐匈牙利大使館二等祕書、駐蘇聯大使館一等祕書等職。又獲任法國駐聯合國日內瓦辦事處的常任代表,擢升至具大使銜。據其憶述,一九六八年一月至一九七〇年五月,供職駐北京大使館。得睹館內仝事所藏傅抱石山水,深受啟發,翌日即往琉璃廠的文物商店購置書畫,其中包括傅抱石〈毛澤東《登廬山》詩意〉及黃賓虹〈幽谷論道圖〉等,於二〇一二及一三年於香港蘇富比先後釋出。品相: -Generally in good condition, only with light foxing. For detailed condition photos and further inquiries, please contact cptghk@sothebys.com.-品相良好,惟見少許霉點。如需作品實景照片,或欲查詢作品資料,請電郵至 cptghk@sothebys.comIn response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective qualified opinion.NOTWITHSTANDING THIS REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING CONDITION OF A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD "AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF SALE PRINTED IN THE CATALOGUE.
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