LOT 3050 Qi Baishi
齐白石 篆书「心安身健」联 | Qi Baishi, Calligr...
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Qi Baishi1864 - 1957Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshuink on paper, pair of hanging scrollssigned, with 2 seals of the artisteach 131.2 x 22 cm 51⅝ x 8⅝ in. (2)----------------------------------------------齊白石 篆書「心安身健」聯水墨紙本 立軸款識︰品正心安,何妨為乞丐;高年身健,不肯作神仙;高年本年高。誠之弟雅屬。白石老人作,九九翁時。鈐印︰「齊大」、「九九翁」。 展覽︰日本,東京,西武百貨池袋店,〈中國畫之至寶—齊白石展〉,一九八七年三月六日至二十五日著錄︰〈中國畫之至寶—齊白石展〉圖錄(東京,西武美術館,一九八七年),圖版71上款:「誠之」,生平資料闕如,據傳世畫跡顯示,具其上款的書畫多集中於四十年代初及中期,如一九四〇年,齊白石極鮮見之「長年大壽」,張伯英、陳半丁、蕭愻為之題詠;一九四一年,齊白石、王雪濤、馬晉等京華八家合作書畫隔景扇貽之;齊白石於一九四三年書「入雲堂」橫幅相贈;同年,白石、溥儒、溥伒等十三家合寫山水人物袖珍冊以奉;另有京華八家山水聯璧卷,由白石題「同享盛名」於引首。綜觀上述作品,可見其喜好集眾家合作,似尤嗜白石作品,諸家所出亦不厭其精,俱屬力作。有一說「誠之」姓趙,活躍於北平文化界,故都陷於日寇期間,他與某方面具連繫,在當地屬有力人士。由於特殊背景關係,他嗜書畫而索求,無有拂其意者。註:本幅對聯署款「九九翁」,知乃白石八十一歲,一九四一年所書, 是年,尚見另一相同聯語對。以畫家應求作品之習慣,往往創作不止一件,再從中檢自覺滿意者,送贈求畫人,本幅或屬此情形,又以「弟」相稱,知交誼匪淺。另,「年高身健不肯作神仙」印亦出同年,可謂白石老人此際心境寫照,具其一貫之詼諧豁達。參考資料:一九四一年同聯語對,北京文物商店收藏,著錄於〈齊白石藝術大展集萃〉北京,首都博物館編(北京出版社,二〇〇六年一月),頁280-281each 131.2 x 22 cm 51⅝ x 8⅝ in. (2)品相: -Generally in good condition. On the first scroll, mild foxing could be found at the upper part of the left edge and near the lower edge, while light creases can be found in the middle section and lower section. On the second scroll, very minor foxing could be found on the right of the lower edge. These could be alleviated by restoration. For detailed condition photos and further inquiries, please contact cptghk@sothebys.com.-品相良好。上聯左沿上方及下沿附近見淡霉點,中間及下方見淺摺痕。下聯下沿右方見極淡霉點。可修復改善。如需作品實景照片,或欲查詢作品資料,請電郵至cptghk@sothebys.comIn response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective qualified opinion.NOTWITHSTANDING THIS REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING CONDITION OF A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD "AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF SALE PRINTED IN THE CATALOGUE.
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