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Translation provided by Youdao
Height: 9 3/4 in (24.6 cm) Length: 6 7/8 in (17.6 cm)
The highest head is the image of Manjusri Bodhisattva, which symbolizes charity and peace. There are seven heads at the bottom, with red hair standing on top of the head, symbolizing anger. The thirty-four arms, together with the mind, body, and speech, are the thirty-seven paths for bodhisattvas to become Buddhas. The master embraces the concubine Ming with two arms, and stretches out thirty-two arms. All hands hold ritual instruments, each with its own meaning. The Ming concubine Luo Lang Zawa is sitting in the arms of the master, holding a battle-axe knife in her right hand and a Gabala bowl in her left hand, her left leg is hooked around the master's waist, and her right leg is stepping on a bird. The sixteen feet of the main statue symbolize the sixteen emptiness. Stepping on eight kinds of people and beasts with the left foot means eight kinds of achievements, stepping on eight kinds of animals with the right foot means eight kinds of freedom, and being naked means being free from dirt. Wearing a five-skull crown; the upper body is decorated with necklace necklaces, the neck is hung with human head vines, and the lower body is decorated with dense necklaces. The work is exquisite and smooth. The girdle-style rosette has a circle of beads on the upper edge and a circle of lotus petals on the bottom. 大威德金剛信仰,在乾隆朝達到最盛。 《章嘉國師若必多吉傳》將乾隆皇帝稱為「文殊菩薩大皇帝」,肯定了乾隆於藏區的統治。乾隆三十三年,雨花閣西北角建梵宗樓,一層供奉文殊師利數尊,二層供奉大威德金剛,中心像高達1.72 米,英武攝人,是乾隆皇權威嚴,鎮叛亂復安定之象徵。大威德金剛有伏惡之勢,謂之大德;有護善之功,謂之大德,曾降服死神閻魔天,故其名亦有死亡的征服者之義。精通三十七道品,徹悟十六空性,降魔消盡,成就殊勝,得大涅槃道。大威德金剛,梵語稱“閻曼達嘎”,藏語譯為“怖畏金剛”,漢語可稱為大威德明王。 “威”是表示降伏惡魔的威猛力量,“德”是代表智慧摧破煩惱業障。這是文殊菩薩降伏死魔時顯現的教令輪身,為五大明王之一,是藏傳佛教尊奉的主要本尊之一,同時也是東密、台密尊奉的重要本尊。黃銅鎏金而成,分體澆鑄(主尊、佛母、手臂、魔眾、蓮座)左展姿站立,九頭三十四臂,九頭表示九種鎮壓閻王的經咒,分三層排列,正中最大最高的頭為大水牛頭,血盆大口,象徵閻王;中間有一頭如來相,象徵著他是阿彌陀佛化身而來。最高的頭為文殊菩薩本像,象徵慈善和平。最下面七頭,頭頂紅發上豎,象徵忿怒。三十四臂與心、身、語一起為菩薩成佛三十七路。主二臂抱明妃,外伸三十二臂,諸手皆持法器,各有寓意。明妃羅浪雜娃坐在主尊懷中,右手持鉞刀,左手持嘎巴拉碗,左腿勾在主尊腰間,右肢踩飛禽。主尊十六足象徵十六空。左腳踩八種人和獸表示八種成就,右腳踩八禽表示八種自在,裸體表示脫離塵垢。頭戴五骷髏冠;上身飾項圈瓔珞,頸掛人頭蔓,下身佩有繁密的瓔珞,製作精緻,流暢自如。束腰式仰覆蓮座,上緣連珠紋一周,下有蓮花瓣一周,排列規整,蓮瓣扁平挺拔,整像胎體厚重結實,瑩潤古樸展現出清代乾隆宮廷造像的選材特點。整體造型規整大方,雕刻繁複精細,體現出清代宮廷造像對細節的嚴苛追求。大威德金剛是藏傳佛教中造型最複雜的一尊造像,此像造型優美,做工精細,尺寸碩大,殊為難得。
2023年 8月15日至8月18日 每天上午11點至下午4點 洛杉磯時間
1101 W Valley Blvd #103, Alhambra, CA 91803
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